On the bottom of turn 1 Cameron moved everyone forward. Last were the las cannons who despite making penetrating rolls were stopped by Cameron's cover saving throws. Unfortunately, all that hit did not manage to penetrate. Vic cautiously moved up his command squad but made sure to keep all other units stationary in order to fire their heavy weapons. Next Cameron set up his force and tried to steal the initiative but failed. Vic won the roll off and decided to set up and go first. +1 if you have more units in your opponent’s deployment zone. Units below half strength are worth 50% of their unit value in VPs. Platoon command squad with 2 grenade launchers and 2 flamers in Chimeraġ0 Veterans with 3 plasma guns in Chimera Heavy weapons squad with 3 las cannon weapons teamsġ0 Man infantry platoon with grenade launcher and auto cannon Platoon command squad with las cannon weapon team In this battle report we have two armies of the Imperiam facing off. Vic's Imperial Guard VS Cameron's Imperial Guard. First battle report of the escalation league.